Help us raise money to support Brielle, Luke, and Zach!
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Help the Penguin Plunge support local families
The Penguin Plunge is a registered not-for-profit 501(c)(3) located in Rockland County, NY that works to help the families of seriously ill children meet their medical and support costs as they focus on their children’s health. Since our founding in 2007, the Penguin Plunge has proudly raised over $1,000,000 and supported 40 critically ill children and their families from Rockland and Bergen counties. Our annual plunge into the icy Hudson River at Nyack Memorial Park represents the culmination of nearly a year-long fundraising effort for the year’s families, and has become a hallmark of community spirit and generosity. This year, we are celebrating our 18th Annual Plunge and braving the cold for three local families whose children are struggling with serious medical conditions.
We give 100% of our donations to the families we support. This year, your money will go towards the families of Brielle Gaine, Luke Garrecht, and Zach Dolinsky. You can read their stories here.
To make a donation, simply click the "Donate" button above. If you'd like to get more involved, you can start your own fundraising page by clicking "Start Fundraising." Starting a fundraiser is easy to do, and it's fun. We'll even give you all the tools you'll need to make a difference. With your help we can ensure that these families will be able to afford the best possible medical treatment for their children.
Save the Date! Plunge Day is March 2nd, 2025.
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